Who is this course for?

This course is for classroom teachers who would like to develop the skills and strategies necessary to support a range of pupils with SEND in the same class.

The course will be made available to participants for a period of one year from the date of enrolment and can be completed in the participant's own time. Participants report that they spend about 30 hours on the course in total.

Find Out More

Not long ago, most teachers thought that being dyslexic was just an excuse for lazy spelling. Education has come a long way since then in its view of learning differences but is it still too dependent on experts to perform interventions? Can classroom teachers ever provide a truly inclusive environment for all learners? 

This MHS Level 4 Award course will help you to: 

  • Reflect on and develop your current understanding of SEND
  • Consider the individual SEND pupil in the context of your classroom teaching
  • Develop an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of a whole class
  • Develop teaching strategies to support SEND pupils 
  • Benefit neurotypical pupils at the same time

You will develop your knowledge, research, application and analysis of SEND through a range of: 

  • Videos
  • Unit articles
  • 1-1 tutorials
  • Quick quizzes
  • Guided tasks
  • Uploaded assignments (Module 2 and Module 6)
  • Course tutor feedback on assignments.

You can expect to spend approximately thirty hours across the six units of the course, which broadly works out at about five hours of study and reflective practice per module.


At the end of the course, providing that you complete the two assignments to a satisfactory standard, you will be given a certificate recognising your achievements in this MHS Level 4 award: Approaches to SEND in the classroom and you will be awarded with 30 CPD points by our accrediting body (the Professional Development Consortium).

Course curriculum

    1. Approaches to SEND Students in the Classroom - An Accredited Level 4 Award

    2. Reviews and Feedback from Previous Participants on this Course

    3. Course Outline and Module Content

    4. The Course Textbook: 'The Neurodiverse Classroom' by Victoria Honeybourne

    5. About More House and Course Tutors

    6. Accessibility and Format

    1. 1.1 What to expect in Module 1

    2. 1.2 Read Chapter 1 of The Neurodiverse Classroom

    3. 1.3 Behaviour or SEND?

    4. 1.4 Quick Quiz: Basic SEND Terms (For your eyes only - Take quiz as many times as you like)

    5. 1.5 Historical Approaches to SEND

    6. 1.6 Optional Task: Kanner's Case Studies

    7. 1.7 What Next - Neurodiversity?

    8. 1.8 Read Chapter 2 of 'The Neurodiverse Classroom'

    9. 1.9 A brief overview of ASD

    10. 1.10 A brief overview of ADHD

    11. 1.11 A brief overview of DCD

    12. 1.12 A brief overview of DLD

    13. 1.13 A brief overview of Dyslexia

    14. 1.14 The ASD, DCD and ADHD overlap

    15. 1.15 The Dyslexia and DLD Overlap

    16. 1.16 Quick Quiz: Labels and Overlaps (For your eyes only - Take quiz as many times as you like)

    1. 2.1 What to expect in Module 2

    2. 2.2 Individual Pupil Case Study: Zac in Year 8

    3. 2.3 Observe and find out more about your own individual pupil

    4. 2.4 Your Individual Pupil Lesson: Plan, Teach and Reflect

    5. 2.5 Upload your assignment: Individual Pupil Lesson Plan and Reflection

    1. 3.1 What to expect in Module 3

    2. 3.2 Neuroscientific Research into Commonalities Between SEND Diagnoses

    3. 3.3 Four Cognitive Functions and Strategies to Support Them in the Classroom

    4. 3.4 Read Chapter 3 of The Neurodiverse Classroom

    5. 3.5 Classroom teachers in action - BDA videos

    6. 3.6 Quick Quiz on the Cognitive Function Approach (For your eyes only - take quiz as many times as you like!)

    1. 4.1 What to expect in Module 4

    2. 4.2 The Strengths and Barriers Approach to SEND in the Classroom

    3. 4.3 Quick Quiz (For your eyes only - take quiz as many times as you like!)

    4. 4.4 Introducing The Class Mapping Tool

    5. 4.5 Video Guide - How to fill in the Class Mapping Tool

    1. 5.1 What to expect in Module 5

    2. 5.2 Quick Quiz (For your eyes only! Do the quiz as many times as you like)

    3. 5.3 Whole Class Lesson Observation

    4. 5.4 Plan a Whole Class Lesson

    5. 5.5 Teach your Lesson and Reflect on its Impact

About this course

  • £345.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Reviews by Previous Course Participants

The following comments about this course are from teachers in mainstream schools in the UK:

"I've really enjoyed how much this course has made me think through the different learner types in my class. It has definitely helped me to refine some of the resources we give the children to support their work, and got me thinking particularly about how to give those who are slower processors enough time to answer questions - but with that how to keep the quicker ones engaged as well."

"I like how I have been challenged in my own practice to deliver in an inclusive classroom. I thought it would be more theoretical but I have enjoyed being able to be practical and observe my class."

"Often I think we are at fault of delivering the same lessons and content week in, week out and an increase in understanding about how our pupils learn, their strengths and their weakness, shakes up our teaching and provides opportunity and confidence to be more dynamic."

"The course has helped me to spot patterns with certain boys within my group. As well as that, it has helped me identify the strengths of various members of my class as well, since it is sometimes easy to just focus on the aspects that children struggle with rather than looking at their strengths too. Was good in a way to take a step back and see the bigger picture. Will definitely be using the course tools with my other classes going forward."

"It showed me that even thought most of my class are "neurotypical" there are still strengths and barriers to every child."

"I was able to fit in my neuro-typical students into the picture when thinking about the neuro-diverse ones - it was interesting to see how you could easily group the neurotypical with your focus pupils based on skills rather than on curriculum levels and made for interesting discussions about peer grouping."

Find out more!

Please get in touch with us if you would like to discuss the suitability of this course for your context. Email us at [email protected]